Advertised Selection

Using our considerable expertise and market knowledge, we develop bespoke advertising campaigns utilising a variety of relevant media – both online and offline. The use of targeted Advertised Selection, whether it is in a high profile format or confidential, is used to widen the choice of high-calibre candidates by attracting responses from those who are proactively seeking their next career move.

Our partnership led approach means that we will invest as much time as is needed to fully understand your needs in order to provide the most appropriate solution.

There are four stages to Advertised Selection and we work closely with employers at all stages:

  1. Initial briefing meeting where we conduct a thorough analysis of our client’s business, identifying the requirements of the role within the organisation.
  2. Developing the copy and content of the advertisements, offering advice on the timing and placement of the advert.
  3. Managing and screening respondents to the advert. This includes interviewing potential candidates and providing a shortlist of highly qualified individuals.
  4. The client interviews our shortlisted candidates and selects their desired candidate. We provide support and guidance throughout the whole process.